Agreement for Appointment as Computer Training center at_____________________________________
With programme “Aim Education Society” This programme is Affiliated by the JITDS New Delhi.
This Agreement is made between Aim Education Society Rajkot & Jankalyan Information Technology Development Society. M/S____________________________________________________________
For “Aim Education Society” which programme is initiated bye Aim Education Society & JITDS For One Year.
Mr.___________________________________________________________ is appointed as Branch Manager
Of Aim Education Society Center at ____________________________Dist.___________________________
State_______________________Pin Code____________________________
Branch Manager Details: ^Go To Top
1. Branch Manager Name :___________________________________________________________
2. Home Address :___________________________________________________________
3. Date of Birth :_____________________Nationality________________Sex__________
4. Educational Qualification :___________________________________________________________
DATE:____/______/______ Signature: _________________
1. Condition of computer software, Training Courses and other courses as allotted bye AES and under the authorization of AES from time to time in the designated area, as per norm of AES.
2. Condition of data processing, software development service equipment and any activities under the authorization of AES.
3. Condition of computer literacy programme in schools, if allotted bye AES as per a separate agreement signed between ________________________________________and AES .H.O.
4. Condition of AES’s state level of national level project as may be allotted to him/her from to time by AES.
5. To conduct AES course and activities, kept under his /her supervision with utmost care and to the satisfaction of students/customers.keeeping in view AES name and standards as also his/her own prestige and liability.
6. To select suitable premises, faculty and hardware as per the category of the center in consolation with AES H.O and to make payments of them regularly and in time .
7. To make all payments pertaining to proper operation of the center like rent of the premises, salary to staff, electricity and water bill and such other e expenses in the time. Any liability create d by the branch manager in this regard and in regard to nay other expenses will be exclusively his own and will not be carried forward to the AES H.O. in any case.
8. The Branch Manager shall maintain Receipt-book, Certificate, issue maintain student register ,staff register ,salary Register of staff and all…such record would by open to in section by authorized representative of “AES “ at any time
9. The Branch Manager will have to send report (Monthly,Quarterly,and Yearly)…or any other as demanded by AES H.O. Every Branch Manager will be required to attend district level, Regional level and state level meeting held by AES
1. payment of coordination charge to AES ,H.O. Would be made by Branch manager AES ,monthly along with the statement of account certified by the Branch manger along with the full statement.
2. The AES ,H.O. written its right to demand any other document in this regards from the AES if the coordination charge payment to the AES ,H.O are not by AES ,in time the AES ,H.O made decided to cancel this agreement even with the period of validity. in all such matter the decision of the AES ,H.O will be final and binding
3. AES ,H.Omay also decide on some other mode and frequency of co-ordination charges payment by the branches AES ,which may be binding on all affiliated centers.
4. Depending on the technical and managerial capability of thye AES ,the AES ,H.O would implement its state level, projects through the AES similarly consultancy, market survey and other assignment may also be handed over to the AES AES ,H.O .based on the ,expertise available in the AES, However, in all such cases the remuneration to be paid the AES ,will be exclusive right or secondary AES ,H.O Retains it’s right to change increase or decease the geographical area of operation of the AES,or to open new branches/centre in the area already allotted to AES,in all such matter the decisions of the AES ,President AES,would be final and binding .
5. The AES Shall run its account in the Nationalized Bank in the personal name of the Branch manger him self/her self opening of the illegal bank account shall immediately render the AES liable for cancellation of Branch Agreement. In all such matters the decisions of authorized person by AES would be final and binding.
6. Shri___________________________________________his/ her partners. Successor of assignees will not be entitled to take loan of create any other liabilities in the name of AES. He/ She will take utmost care in operation the funds and in financial dealing will keep AES’S image clear in the government Private and financial institute of the allotted to him.
7. The AES ,H.O. Retains the right of affection changes if any I n the above clauses for better operation of AES, organization and of AES, even within the period of validity of this agreement.
8. The affiliation fess once paid of the AES. To the H.O. will be non –refundable.
9. AES Center is non transferable. If Branch Manger decides to transfer it to some an other persons/organization exclusive permission will have to be from the authorized person to AES and transfer fee fixed by AES, H.O. Will have to be paid and a fresh agreement will have to be signed.
10. The AES, H.O. retains the right of canceling the above agreement without any compensation to AES,even within the period of validity of this agreement, if the AES’S operation is found not as per the clauses give in this agreement of incase of any financial irregularity by the AES, or due to any other cause which hinder the smooth operation of AES and AES, H.O. can also transferred the candidate studying in the AES of the projects and works assigned to one AES to nay other branch/ Organizations/AES,incase of default by the first AES. In all such matter the decisions of the authorized person by AES, will be Final.
11. Incase of Government project of a university programme of Doeacc O-A-B level any other such coordinated programme , in which AES take parts the losses caused by the change in policy by the Government of by the university of fby any such sponsoring organization, will in on way be transferred to the AES, H.O. and the AES, H.O.will not be held responsible merely because it various forms of the university of AES,non-follow up of dates and schedules by the branch will be entirely the responsibility of AES.
12. Liabilities created by the default of AES in the sonsumer forum of any other such body will be exclusively that of the AES and will no be carried forward to the AES, H.O. Regional office and Divisional office.
13. This agreement is valid up to the date, it can be renewed with the mutual consent and after the payment of annual license fee of Rs.3500/- by AES , to Aim Education Society.- Rajkot ( Gujarat)
14. Any dispute arising out of above agreement would be settled only at the Jurisdiction of Rajkot ( Gujarat).
I______________________________________accept and agree to follow all the terms and conditions of AES. I also declared that I am the authorized signature of this agreement of the “AES” and my signature as given below are my true signature.
Singed on this Day_______________ of Month_________________________Year_____________
Name and signature of the Branch Manager of the “AES”_________________________________
Signature of Branch Manager
Witness 1.______________________
Witness 2.______________________
Residential Address
Center’s Address
Date:______________ Place:_________________
The process of the renewal,advertisement and the conditions of the renewals of the AES, center is very unique. Therefore, following terms and condition are to be followed AES. Center.
Terms and Conditions:
1. For new renewal center must applied one month before the expiry of last renewal Date.
2. Every center must pay 3500 /- Rs. To the institution for the advertisement I news paper through which advertisement of all local centers will be made twice in the year.
3. The criteria of new renewal for the center are as follows:
A –Minimum 50 students for free course in one year
B – Minimum 100 students for paid course in one year
If your center is unable to produce the s t u dents according to the above mentioned criteria then the decision of next renewal for the center will be taken by the committee.
We hope that you all will try hard to full fill t h e above criteria and make more students of saksharta in the field of computers.
Signature of Branch Manager Authorized person of AES